6 de agosto de 2009

Ashley Olsen

Ela e a irmã sempre foram um ícone fashion pra mim. As roupas são maravilhosas, as sobreposições são feitas sem nenhum medo e tudo fica maravilhoso e impecável. Tudo bem que tem pecinhas que só as duas podem usar porque são as Olsen, porque se alguém fizesse algo parecido aqui no Rio de Janeiro, as pessoas iam olhar com cara de: 'minha filha, você não pode sair assim de casa, ninguém te avisou?'. A única coisa que eu acho que nem nelas fica minimamente aceitável são aqueles sapatos (muito) masculinizados que as duas usam, mas até parecem que elas se importariam com a minha super humilde opinião de moda. Estava no site Fashion Copious e vi a matéria que a Ashley fez para Marie Claire. Tem uns pedacinhos da entrevista falando do jeito (faaaaashion!) de se vestir dela e da irmã. Vou pôr aqui.

"I look back at the things that we did and the clothes that we wore, and I think, Wow, we really were troupers,"

"It was almost like I was in the army," Ashley says. "School, work, homework, fly to New York, get in at 2 in the morning, do a morning show at 5 a.m., then another one at 7, then a radio interview at 10, you know?"

"That's why I look at Britney, and I'm surprised I didn't end up like her."

"I think you're either born with a sense of style or you're not,"

"Either you care or you don't. And we"—she and Mary-Kate—"love fashion."

"The dark eyeliner, the scarf around the head—it's just so interesting and natural."

"Mary-Kate and I are very aware of trends and style, but at the end of the day, we don't even think twice about it. It's just, What do I feel like wearing today, and how do I want to put it together?"

"The amount of beautiful things we've ruined—not having the patience for a tailor and cutting everything ourselves … My sister once took an Alaïa dress of mine and just cut the whole thing, and then she was like, 'I cut it too short.'"

"Mary-Kate and I don't think about fashion as these clean, beautiful objects. We just kind of wear it and live in it."

É isso, kisses.

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